The file FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL is malware related.
You must delete the file FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL immediately!
Delete the file FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL without delay!
Kill the process FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL and remove FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL from the Windows startup.
FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL Information and Removal:
FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL is known as: Fraveen 1.4 BHO
Antivirus testing: 1 / 68
Dangerous Status: Adware
Malware Aliases: PUP.Crossrider.BHO.O.
MD5 of FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL = E2EC78C149A0614D840BA0948EA3A516
FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL size is 575000 bytes.
Full path on a computer: C:PROGRAM FILESFRAVEEN 1.4FRAVEEN 1.4-BHO.DLL
Recommended: UnHackMe anti-rootkit and anti-malware
Premium software: RegRun Security Suite (Good choice for removal and protection)