Is the file FY8DNDG.DLL located on your computer? Then your computer is infected.
We do suggest you should remove FY8DNDG.DLL from your computer as soon as possible.
FY8DNDG.DLL is Trojan/Backdoor.
Kill the process FY8DNDG.DLL and remove FY8DNDG.DLL from the Windows startup.
Malware Analysis of FY8DNDG.DLL
Full path on a computer: %SysDir%\fY8dndg.dll
Detected by UnHackMe:
Default location: %SysDir%\fY8dndg.dll
Removal Results: Success
Number of reboot: 1
FY8DNDG.DLL is known as:
Trojan.Bensorty, Trojan.Small
- MD5: 0be4f2fa96c71e6610dbedd371ba450d
The file is used for downloading and installing other malware, Trojans, viruses by the commands received from the Command Center.
How to quickly detect FY8DNDG.DLL presence?
- HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{B5AC49A2-94F3-42BD-F434-2604812C897D}\InProcServer32\: “%SysDir%\fY8dndg.dll”
- HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{B5AF0562-94F3-42BD-F434-2604812C297D}\InProcServer32\: “%SysDir%\Bvdsf4g.dll”
- HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\f94mggfhfghodftdf: “%Temp%\winlogan.exe”
- HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\f94mggfhfghodftdf: “%Temp%\winlogan.exe”
- %Temp%\k56dbhsfgdg.tmp
- %Temp%\kfi4gfm9.tmp
- %Temp%\ldfee3rkgdg.tmp
- %Temp%\winlogan.exe
- %SysDir%\Bvdsf4g.dll
- %SysDir%\fY8dndg.dll